BuildASoil Feeding Schedules

New Growers Start Here: 

New Living Soil No-Till Container Setup Guide: View PDF Here

BuildASoil Classic (Water Only) Protocol: PDF Download 

This method is focused on 15 gallon minimum container size and water only production using the mulch layer, cover crop, Rootwise biology and a wetting agent. It's the most simple straight forward way to learn the fundamental principles of growing the BuildASoil Way. Once you have done this at least once, you can then begin to appreciate the benefits of any supplements you use. Water only is the truth and we urge you to try this method. 

BuildASoil Supplemental Feeding Chart: 

This method is focused on when you want to feed the soil and plant with supplemental inputs to boost yield and quality. While many growers strive to follow the above Water only style, most growers enjoy treating their soil and plants to a weekly regiment that will spoil them. To do this, we have created the new updated BuildASoil Supplemental Feed Schedule and this will go perfect along with the Environmental protocol and Initial Container Setup guide. 

Earthbox Method: 

The simplest way to slay. These earthboxes eliminate the biggest learning curve in growing, how to water properly! With the sub-irrigation system contained in a small food grade plastic container you can get phenomenal results with 10 gallons of soil and the 3 gallon reservoir for clean water that is built right in. Not only that, if you overgrow your plant size you can always topdress HEAVY in an earthbox and the plants will eat anything you put in there. 

Step 1: Follow Initial Container Setup guide above the same as any other container. Keep in mind that Earthboxes need to have their wicking corners packed. 

Step 2: Follow BuildASoil Classic method, be sure to flip to flower sooner than you think as the plants explode with growth. 

When To Fill? 

Top water one time and then let the plant grow for 5-10 days. After the plants has grown and looks to be happy you can commence bottom watering. We want to avoid bottom watering before the plant can handle it.

Once you have filled the reservoir for the first time, you will then wait until the reservoir is completely empty. This allows for the ideal level of moisture at all times without keeping it too wet. 

What happens if my plant grows bigger than anticipated in the Earthbox? Step 2 above recommends flipping to flower early enough to support the rapid growth, should you overshoot the size you can do two things: 

1. Topdressing in Earthbox can be mounded extra high above the walls of the Earthbox. This is because of the plastic covers and the fact we are bottom watering. This topdressing will feed the feeder roots keeping your plants full of nutrients. 

2. You can follow theBuildASoil Way Supplemental feeding chart above and water this into the TOP of the earthbox ideally on days the reservoir is dry. Either way, once your plant is going quickly, it's safe to water the mulch layer with goodies once per week or even more if you wish.