Hello and Welcome To BuildASoil...

Have The Best Indoor Grow Of Your Life

High Quality Products and Free Education

Here is what to do next:

  • Automatic Water Guide

    Learn which of the 6 Most Popular Systems is right for your grow. This is simple.

  • Select Your System

    Below we will guide you on exactly how to purchase, install and run your ideal automatic watering system.

  • Enjoy Freedom

    You will have confidence in your system, your grow will dramatically improve in quality and yield and you will have a more relaxed attitude towards grow chores.

This is going to be epic

Select Your System

6 Proven Ways To Automate Watering

  • Earthbox

    This is the most simple and hold about 1.5 Cubic Feet of soil in each box. The reservoir is contained underneath the soil and provides automatic watering through passive wicking in the corners. You must add water down the water tube periodically.

  • Autopot XXL

    Features 13 Gallon Fabric Pots. This system is extremely simple like the earthbox but uses a large reservoir that you connect all bases to. The water then passively flows to each XXL base and wicks into the 13 Gallon Fabric pots.

  • Autopot Tray2Grow

    This is the most aggressive Sub-Irrigation system. It's like combining the Earthbox and Autopot XXL and increasing the size 4x. Each Tray2Grow holds 4 Cubic Feet of Soil. This is the go to for many home growers.

  • BluMat Top Watering

    The premium top watering setup. For those that like to tinker this one is slightly more complicated to install. Once installed these allow the plants to call for water based on the exact moisture in the soil.

  • Ollla Terrracotta Cups

    If you want automated water to handle 90% of it, so you can still hand water on top with your favorite products, then Ollas might be for you. These are simple terracotta cups that connect to a reservoir. These allow your plants to drink clean water and you can still hand water on top of them to allow for full customization with very little tinkering. These are a true set it and forget it style that will operate in a method that allows you to add more top watering whenever you like, while still being able to leave town without having to add more.

  • Ecowitt Smart Watering

    If you like data pushed to your phone then you will love Ecowitt. Ecowitt devices allow you to have full control via app. You can add moisture meters and use logic to open and close your irrigation. Ecowitt also supply smart plugs and other tools to fully automate your watering safely.

  • Irrigation Collection

    This collection has other irrigation products like reservoirs, hoses and pump kits.