Our Story and Contact Info

BuildASoil, LLC
5016 N. Townsend
Montrose CO 81401

Toll Free: 855-877-SOIL (7645)


About BuildASoil LLC

After a lifetime with interest in growing plants I moved from California to Colorado. When I moved inland, one of the first goals was to start a home garden. It all started with a desire to be self sufficient. After a few years all my friends wanted to know what kinda secret nutrients I was using or magic bottled spray I was hiding. When I kept telling them that I had built a worm bin and was using aged compost along with earth worm castings they thought I was crazy.

After 5 years, growing my own food, care-giving for several medical patients and trying every method there is, I learned to just keep it simple and copy those that have succeeded before us. I lay no claim to this information as I have absorbed it from all over the world. When I first started looking for more information on cultivating organic food and medicine I couldn't believe at the abundance of bad information and BS being sold. After painstakingly researching each ingredient to use in my personal garden, I was bombarded by buddies that wanted me to setup a garden at their house and teach them to Build A Soil. After a few friends achieved record harvests with simple soil recipes and homemade fertilizers they were hooked! I kept buying soil and trying different mixes, some had only a few ingredients and some had dozens. Now that I know what works and what doesn't, my goal is to pass that information on to you. (It's Simple, I promise... and It's all time proven)

Many growers will never go past buying miracle grow organic soil and feeding with tap water and some NPK. Even many more will stop with some Premium bagged soil and Premium Bottled Nutrients. But very few will take it full circle and return back to the origin of simple soil with solid humus, minerals and an abundance of life. The difference is taste, smell and nutrition is astounding. How can you have a good tomato from just NPK? You can't! That's what the supermarket sells. That's not good for your medicine either.


I hope you find some information here that you enjoy reading or watching and in turn take the time to share it with your friends.

Thanks again!


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BuildASoil Shop Photos

Hanging in Lynn's Garden

The Soil Mixer