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Light green and no growth. A trial at soil correction.

Jeremy Silva |

After taking some photos to highlight the power and simplicity of our nutrient kit's I decided to grow two identical pepper plants.

I'm planning on doing a very detailed test in the coming weeks but this was already going so I thought that I would show you.

I also wanted to show you what I'm going to do to correct the problems in the pepper plant that isn't growing so well. Today is the first day so I will update with progress as I go.... hopefully everything works out as planned.

A little background info. My partner Ed heard of a local competitors soil product that was ridiculously expensive at more than double out cost. Now supposedly this had everything in it including compost, worm castings and guanos etc. Long story short, Ed grabbed a few buckets of soil and gave me some to test out while he did the same. 

Here is the first day.


Here are the same plants 4 weeks later


Fixing the other guys soil:

We know that there are nutrients in the soil so they need to be unlocked. I added some Gypsum pellets, OMRI Chicken fertilizer pellets and topped it off with compost and worm castings. I will update again over the next week with updated photos! I can't wait to see the results.




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